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    Development of dissemination activities, knowledge transfer, sharing with sports managers for the identification of solutions.


User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)

Laugwitz, B., Held, T., and Schrepp, M. (2008). Construction and evaluation of a user experience questionnaire. In Symposium of the Austrian HCI and usability engineering group, pages 63–76. Springer.

Weigl, K., Schuster, S., Riener, A. (2021). Investigation of UX and Flow Experience in Sports Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis of Cycling Apps. 61-68. DOI: 10.5220/0010688200003059

Annoying / enjoyableDesagradable / agradable
Good / badBueno / malo
Unlikable / pleasingRepelente / atractivo
Unpleasant / pleasantIncómodo / cómodo
Attractive / unattractiveAtractivo / feo
Friendly / unfriendlySimpático / antipático

Not understandable / understandableNo entendible / entendible
Easy to learn / difficult to learnFácil de aprender / difícil de aprender
Complicated / easyComplicado / fácil
Clear / confusingClaro / confuso

Fast / slowRápido / lento
Inefficient / efficientIneficiente / eficiente
Impractical / practicalNo pragmático / pragmático
Organized / clutteredOrdenado / desordenado

Unpredictable / predictable
Impredecible / predecible
Obstructive / supportiveObstructivo / impulsor
Secure / not secureSeguro / inseguro
Meets expectations / does not meet expectationsCubre expectativas / no cubre expectativas

Valuable / inferiorValioso / de poco valor
Boring / excitingAburrido / emocionante
Not interesting / interestingNo interesante / interesante
Motivating / demotivatingActivante / adormecedor

Creative / dullCreativo / sin imaginación
Inventive / conventionalOriginal / convencional
Usual / leading edgeConvencional / novedoso
Conservative / innovativeConservador / innovador

- ¿Cómo se evalúa?: Escala de calificación de 7 puntos que va de -3 a +3