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    Committees and speakers

Dra. Agnes Elling

She is head of department Participation, Inclusion & Health at the Mulier Institute, an independent research institute on sports in society in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Agnes has a longstanding interest and internationaly recognised expertise in studying social inequalities and social inclusion in and through sports, especially regarding gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity and its intersection. She published widely on navigating in-/exclusionary mechanisms in (elite) sport careers and governance from a mixed methods perspective. 

She was co-editor of Gender diversity in European sport governance (2018) and co-author of The governance index report. Levels of gender and ethnic/racial representation in leadership positions in European football (2023) is currently involved in the research project (2022-2026) Re/Presenting Europe: Popular Representations of Diversity and Belonging (2022-2026), within the work package Arenas of Belonging: Sport Heroes as Models of Aspiration, Inspiration, and Participation.




Dr. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel

Professor of the area of Didactics of Corporal Expression at the University of Huelva.

Director of the EMOTION Research Group (HUM643).

Member and coordinator of the Didactics section at the COIDESO Research Center.

Research lines: Motivation and emotions in the teaching of physical-sports activities.



-Web of Science Researcher ID H-6918-2015

-Scopus ID: 8704774600

Dra. Leonor Gallardo Guerrero

Vice Rector of Coordination, Communication and Promotion of the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

Professor of Physical and Sports Education at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Director of the IGOID Group.

CEO of IGOID-SPORTEC, a technology-based company. Entrepreneur, writer and lecturer.



-Scopus ID: 25936144300

-Web of Science Researcher ID: DVQ-8096-2022

Dra. Susanna Soler Prat

Professor of the INEFC Barcelona.

Coordinator of the Grup d'Investigació Social i Educativa de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport (GISEAFE).

Her lines of research are gender perspective, social inclusion, and socio-cultural diversity in PE, PA and sport.



-Web of Science Researcher ID: AAW-6299-2021

Dra. Xènia Ríos Sisó

Lecturer at the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Member of the Grup d'Investigació Social i Educativa en Activitat Física i Esport (GISEAFE, 2021 SGR 01189) and of the Institut de Recerca de l'Esport (IRE) of the UAB.

Member of the Bullying and Sport Network: Analysis and Good Practices (07/UPB/23).

Vice-president of PDA bullying (prevention, detection and action against bullying among peers).

Currently developing lines of research focused on bullying in sport and Physical Education.



-Scopus ID: 57455681500

Dr. José María López-Gullón

Professor of the Department of Physical Activity and Sport of the University of Murcia (UMU). PI of the UMUSPORT research group of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the UMU. His main lines of research focus on the management and evaluation of the impacts of sporting events, analyzing social and/or touristic-economic perception by participants or spectators.





Dr. Marta Borrueco

PhD in Sport Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is also a professor and researcher in the Sport Psychology Research Group (GEPE) and the Institute of Sport Research (IRE) of the same university. Her interests include the figures involved in the sport environment (coaches, referees, clubs and federations), and how they influence the development of athletes, as well as the study of transitions and career decision making of women in the sport context.


